ClickBench load

The load is based on data and queries from the repository, and the queries and table layout are adapted to YDB.

The benchmark generates typical workload in the following areas: clickstream and traffic analysis, web analytics, machine-generated data, structured logs, and event data. It covers typical queries in analytics and real-time dashboards.

The dataset for this benchmark was obtained from an actual traffic recording of one of the world's largest web analytics platforms. It has been anonymized while keeping all the essential data distributions. The query set was improvised to reflect realistic workloads, while the queries are not directly from production.

Initializing a load test

Before running the benchmark, create a table:

ydb workload clickbench init

See the description of the command to init the data load:

ydb workload clickbench init --help

Available parameters

Parameter name Parameter description
--table <value> The table name. The default value is clickbench/hits.
--store <value> Type of table storage. Acceptable values: row, column. Default value: row.

Uploading data to the table

Upload data to the table. To do this, download and unzip the data archive, then upload the data to the table:

unzip hits.csv.gz
ydb import file csv --path clickbench/hits --input-file hits.csv

Running a load test

Run the load:

ydb workload clickbench run

During this test, workload statistics for each query are displayed on the screen.

See the description of the command to run the data load:

ydb workload clickbench run --help

Global parameters for all types of load

Parameter name Parameter description
--output <value> The name of the file in which the query execution results will be saved. The default value is results.out.
--iterations <value> The number of executions of each load generating query. The default value is 1.
--json The name of the file in which the query execution statistics will be saved in json format. By default, the file is not saved.
--ministat The name of the file in which the query execution statistics will be saved in ministat format. By default, the file is not saved.
--query-settings Query execution settings. By default, not specified.
--ext-queries-file The name of the file in which external queries to run the load can be specified. By default, the file is not required.
--ext-query A row with external queries to run the load. There is no default value.
--table The table name. The default value is clickbench/hits.
--include The numbers or number sections of the queries to be executed as part of the load. By default, all queries are executed. Separated by commas, for example, 1,2,4-6.
--exclude The numbers or number sections of the queries to be excluded as part of the load. By default, all queries are executed. Separated by commas, for example, 1,2,4-6.