Setting TTL parameters

Use the table ttl set subcommand to set TTL for the specified table.

General format of the command:

ydb [global options...] table ttl set [options...] <table path>

View a description of the TTL set command:

ydb table ttl set --help

Parameters of the subcommand

Name Description
--column The name of the column that will be used to calculate the lifetime of the rows. The column must have the numeric or date and time type.
In case of the numeric type, the value will be interpreted as the time elapsed since the beginning of the Unix epoch. Measurement units must be specified in the --unit parameter.
--expire-after Additional time before deleting that must elapse after the lifetime of the row has expired. Specified in seconds.
The default value is 0.
--unit The value measurement units of the column specified in the --column parameter. It is mandatory if the column has the numeric type.
Possible values:
  • seconds (s, sec): Seconds.
  • milliseconds (ms, msec): Milliseconds.
  • microseconds (us, usec): Microseconds.
  • nanoseconds (ns, nsec): Nanoseconds.
--run-interval The interval for running the operation to delete rows with expired TTL. Specified in seconds. The default database settings do not allow an interval of less than 15 minutes (900 seconds).
The default value is 3600.



The examples use the quickstart profile. To learn more, see Creating a profile to connect to a test database.

Set TTL for the series table

ydb -p quickstart table ttl set \
  --column createtime \
  --expire-after 3600 \
  --run-interval 1200 \