Grafana dashboards for YDB

This page describes Grafana dashboards for YDB. For information about how to install dashboards, see Setting up monitoring with Prometheus and Grafana.

DB status

General database dashboard.


CPU utilization in an actor system.

Name Description
CPU by execution pool (us) CPU utilization in different execution pools across all nodes, microseconds per second (one million indicates utilization of a single core)
Actor count Number of actors (by actor type)
CPU CPU utilization in different execution pools (by actor type)
Events Actor system event handling metrics


gRPC layer metrics.

Name Description
Requests Number of requests received by a database per second (by gRPC method type)
Request bytes Size of database requests, bytes per second (by gRPC method type)
Response bytes Size of database responses, bytes per second (by gRPC method type)
Dropped requests Number of requests per second with processing terminated at the transport layer due to an error (by gRPC method type)
Dropped responses Number of responses per second with sending terminated at the transport layer due to an error (by gRPC method type)
Requests in flight Number of requests that a database is simultaneously handling (by gRPC method type)
Request bytes in flight Size of requests that a database is simultaneously handling (by gRPC method type)

Query engine

Information about the query engine.

Name Description
Requests Number of incoming requests per second (by request type)
Request bytes Size of incoming requests, bytes per second (query, parameters, total)
Responses Number of responses per second (by response type)
Response bytes Response size, bytes per second (total, query result)
Sessions Information about running sessions
Latencies Request execution time histograms for different types of requests


Information about transactions from the DataShard transaction proxy layer.

Name Description
Transactions Datashard transaction metrics
Latencies Execution time histograms for different stages of datashard transactions


DataShard tablet metrics.

Name Description
Operations Datashard operation statistics for different types of operations
Transactions Information about datashard tablet transactions (by transaction type)
Latencies Execution time histograms for different stages of custom transactions
Tablet latencies Tablet transaction execution time histograms
Compactions Information about LSM compaction operations performed
ReadSets Information about ReadSets that are sent when executing a customer transaction
Other Other metrics