Adding storage groups

As the amount of stored data grows, you may need to add disks to your YDB cluster. You can add disks either to existing nodes or along with new nodes. To make the resources of new disks available to the database, add storage groups.

To add new storage groups, use YDB DSTool.

View a list of cluster storage pools:

ydb-dstool -e <bs_endpoint> pool list

Result example:

│ BoxId:PoolId │ PoolName         │ ErasureSpecies │ Kind │ Groups_TOTAL │ VDisks_TOTAL │
│ [1:1]        │ /Root/testdb:ROT │ mirror-3-dc    │ ROT  │ 1            │ 9            │

The command below adds 10 groups to the /Root/testdb:ROT pool:

ydb-dstool -e <bs_endpoint> group add --pool-name /Root/testdb:ROT --groups 10

If successful, the command returns a zero exit status. Or else, it returns a non-zero exit status and
outputs an error message to stderr.

To check if groups can be added without actually adding them, use the --dry-run global parameter. The command below checks if 100 groups can be added to the /Root/testdb:ROT pool:

ydb-dstool --dry-run -e <bs_endpoint> group add --pool-name /Root/testdb:ROT --groups 100

The --dry-run parameter lets you estimate the maximum number of groups that you can add to the pool.