Custom attributes in tables

You can use custom attributes to store any information and process it in your app or using the CLI.

For example, your application uses a database table. It stores versions of the table's scheme in custom attributes. You need to migrate data when the table scheme changes. To make sure that your application runs a relevant migration, rather than a previous one, when started, access the custom attributes to check the scheme version:

  • The version in the attribute is 1, and your application knows how to work with version 2. So, you apply the 1>2 migration and update the attribute value with 2.
  • In the attribute, the version is 2, and your application knows how to work with version 2, so no migration is needed.
  • The version in the attribute is 2, and your application knows how to work with version 1: you terminate your application with an exception, notifying the user of an attempt to run an older app version against the new data scheme.

When you use custom attributes, you no longer need to store scheme versions in a separate table.

Set a custom attribute when creating a table

To set a custom attribute when creating the series table, pass the scheme_version key and the attribute value 1 in the options.WithAttribute option of the CreateTable method:

err := client.Do(ctx, func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) error {
  return s.CreateTable(ctx, "episodes",
    options.WithColumn("series_id", types.Optional(types.TypeUint64)),
    options.WithColumn("season_id", types.Optional(types.TypeUint64)),
    options.WithColumn("episode_id", types.Optional(types.TypeUint64)),
    options.WithColumn("title", types.Optional(types.TypeText)),
    options.WithPrimaryKeyColumn("series_id", "season_id", "episode_id"),
    options.WithAttribute("scheme_version", "1"),

Set a custom attribute for an existing table

To set a custom attribute for the existing series table, pass the scheme_version key and the attribute value 1 in the options.WithAddAttribute option of the AlterTable method:

err = db.Table().Do(ctx,
  func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) (err error) {
    return s.AlterTable(ctx, path.Join(db.Name(), "series"),
      options.WithAddAttribute("scheme_version", "1"),

To set a custom attribute for the existing series table, pass the scheme_version key and the attribute value 1 in the --attribute option of the ydb table attribute add command:

ydb table attribute add --attribute scheme_version=1 series

Update the custom attribute

To update the custom attribute when changing the table scheme, pass the scheme_version key and the new attribute value of 2 in the WithAlterAttribute option of the AlterTable method:

err = db.Table().Do(ctx,
  func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) (err error) {
    return s.AlterTable(ctx, path.Join(db.Name(), "series"),
      options.WithAddColumn("air_date", types.Optional(types.TypeUint64)),
      options.WithAlterAttribute("scheme_version", "2"),

To edit the custom attribute for the existing series table, pass the scheme_version key and the attribute value 2 in the --attribute option of the ydb table attribute add command:

ydb table attribute add --attribute scheme_version=2 series

View your custom attributes

To retrieve the series table scheme, including the custom attributes, use the method table.Session.DescribeTable():

err := c.Do(ctx,
  func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) error {
    description, err := s.DescribeTable(ctx, path.Join(prefix, "series"))
    if err != nil {
      return err
    for k, v := range description.Attributes {
      log.Println(k, "=", v)
    return nil

To get the data about the series table scheme, including the custom attributes, use the command ydb scheme describe:

ydb scheme describe series


| Name           | Value |
| scheme_version | 2     |

Delete the custom attribute

To drop the custom attribute, pass the scheme_version key in the option WithDropAttribute of the AlterTable method:

err = db.Table().Do(ctx,
  func(ctx context.Context, s table.Session) (err error) {
    return s.AlterTable(ctx, path.Join(db.Name(), "series"),

To drop the custom attribute, use the scheme_version key in the --attributes option of the ydb table attribute drop command:

ydb table attribute drop --attributes scheme_version series