Example app in Python

This page contains a detailed description of the code of a test app that is available as part of the YDB Python SDK.

Downloading and starting

The following execution scenario is based on git and Python3. Be sure to install the YDB Python SDK.

Create a working directory and use it to run from the command line the command to clone the GitHub repository and install the necessary Python packages:

git clone https://github.com/ydb-platform/ydb-python-sdk.git
python3 -m pip install iso8601

Next, from the same working directory, run the following command to start the test app:

To connect to a locally deployed YDB database according to the Docker use case, run the following command in the default configuration:

python3 ydb-python-sdk/examples/basic_example_v1/ -e grpc://localhost:2136 -d /local

To run the example against any available YDB database, the endpoint and the database path need to be provide.

If authentication is enabled for the database, the authentication mode needs to be chosen and credentials (a token or a username/password pair) need to be provided.

Run the command as follows:

<auth_mode_var>="<auth_mode_value>" \
python3 ydb-python-sdk/examples/basic_example_v1/ -e <endpoint> -d <database>


  • <endpoint>: The endpoint.
  • <database>: The database path.
  • <auth_mode_var>: The environment variable that determines the authentication mode.
  • <auth_mode_value> is the authentication parameter value for the selected mode.

For example:

python3 ydb-python-sdk/examples/basic_example_v1/ -e grpcs://ydb.example.com:2135 -d /path/db )

Initializing a database connection

To interact with YDB, create instances of the driver, client, and session:

  • The YDB driver facilitates interaction between the app and YDB nodes at the transport layer. It must be initialized before creating a client or session and must persist throughout the YDB access lifecycle.
  • The YDB client operates on top of the YDB driver and enables the handling of entities and transactions.
  • The YDB session, which is part of the YDB client context, contains information about executed transactions and prepared queries.

App code snippet for driver initialization:

def run(endpoint, database):
    driver_config = ydb.DriverConfig(
        endpoint, database, credentials=ydb.credentials_from_env_variables(),
    with ydb.Driver(driver_config) as driver:
        except TimeoutError:
            print("Connect failed to YDB")
            print("Last reported errors by discovery:")
async def run(endpoint, database):
    driver_config = ydb.DriverConfig(
        endpoint, database, credentials=ydb.credentials_from_env_variables(),
    async with ydb.aio.Driver(driver_config) as driver:
            await driver.wait(timeout=5)
        except TimeoutError:
            print("Connect failed to YDB")
            print("Last reported errors by discovery:")

App code snippet for session pool initialization:

with ydb.QuerySessionPool(driver) as pool:
    pass  # operations with pool here
async with ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool(driver) as pool:
    pass  # operations with pool here

Executing queries

YDB Python SDK supports queries described by YQL syntax.
There are two primary methods for executing queries, each with different properties and use cases:

  • pool.execute_with_retries:

    • Buffers the entire result set in client memory.
    • Automatically retries execution in case of retriable issues.
    • Does not allow specifying a transaction execution mode.
    • Recommended for one-off queries that are expected to produce small result sets.
  • tx.execute:

    • Returns an iterator over the query results, allowing processing of results that may not fit into client memory.
    • Retries must be handled manually via pool.retry_operation_sync.
    • Allows specifying a transaction execution mode.
    • Recommended for scenarios where pool.execute_with_retries is insufficient.

Creating tables

Create tables to be used in operations on a test app. This step results in the creation of database tables for the series directory data model:

  • Series
  • Seasons
  • Episodes

After the tables are created, a method for retrieving information about data schema objects is called, and the result of its execution is displayed.

To execute CREATE TABLE queries, use the pool.execute_with_retries() method:

def create_tables(pool: ydb.QuerySessionPool):
    print("\nCreating table series...")
        CREATE TABLE `series` (
            `series_id` Int64,
            `title` Utf8,
            `series_info` Utf8,
            `release_date` Date,
            PRIMARY KEY (`series_id`)

    print("\nCreating table seasons...")
        CREATE TABLE `seasons` (
            `series_id` Int64,
            `season_id` Int64,
            `title` Utf8,
            `first_aired` Date,
            `last_aired` Date,
            PRIMARY KEY (`series_id`, `season_id`)

    print("\nCreating table episodes...")
        CREATE TABLE `episodes` (
            `series_id` Int64,
            `season_id` Int64,
            `episode_id` Int64,
            `title` Utf8,
            `air_date` Date,
            PRIMARY KEY (`series_id`, `season_id`, `episode_id`)
async def create_tables(pool: ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool):
    print("\nCreating table series...")
    await pool.execute_with_retries(
        CREATE TABLE `series` (
            `series_id` Int64,
            `title` Utf8,
            `series_info` Utf8,
            `release_date` Date,
            PRIMARY KEY (`series_id`)

    print("\nCreating table seasons...")
    await pool.execute_with_retries(
        CREATE TABLE `seasons` (
            `series_id` Int64,
            `season_id` Int64,
            `title` Utf8,
            `first_aired` Date,
            `last_aired` Date,
            PRIMARY KEY (`series_id`, `season_id`)

    print("\nCreating table episodes...")
    await pool.execute_with_retries(
        CREATE TABLE `episodes` (
            `series_id` Int64,
            `season_id` Int64,
            `episode_id` Int64,
            `title` Utf8,
            `air_date` Date,
            PRIMARY KEY (`series_id`, `season_id`, `episode_id`)

Adding data

Add data to the created tables using the UPSERT statement in YQL. A data update request is sent to the server as a single request with transaction auto-commit mode enabled.

Code snippet for data insert/update:

def upsert_simple(pool: ydb.QuerySessionPool):
    print("\nPerforming UPSERT into episodes...")
        UPSERT INTO episodes (series_id, season_id, episode_id, title) VALUES (2, 6, 1, "TBD");
async def upsert_simple(pool: ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool):
    print("\nPerforming UPSERT into episodes...")
    await pool.execute_with_retries(
        UPSERT INTO episodes (series_id, season_id, episode_id, title) VALUES (2, 6, 1, "TBD");

Retrieving data

Retrieve data using a SELECT statement in YQL. Handle the retrieved data selection in the app.

To execute YQL queries, the pool.execute_with_retries() method is often sufficient.

def select_simple(pool: ydb.QuerySessionPool):
    print("\nCheck series table...")
    result_sets = pool.execute_with_retries(
        FROM series
        WHERE series_id = 1;
    first_set = result_sets[0]
    for row in first_set.rows:
            "series, id: ",
            ", title: ",
            ", release date: ",
    return first_set
async def select_simple(pool: ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool):
    print("\nCheck series table...")
    result_sets = await pool.execute_with_retries(
        FROM series
        WHERE series_id = 1;
    first_set = result_sets[0]
    for row in first_set.rows:
            "series, id: ",
            ", title: ",
            ", release date: ",
    return first_set

As the result of executing the query, a list of result_set is returned, iterating on which the text is output to the console:

> SelectSimple:
series, Id: 1, title: IT Crowd, Release date: 2006-02-03

Parameterized queries

For parameterized query execution, pool.execute_with_retries() and tx.execute() behave similarly. To execute parameterized queries, you need to pass a dictionary with parameters to one of these functions, where each key is the parameter name, and the value can be one of the following:

  1. A value of a basic Python type
  2. A tuple containing the value and its type
  3. A special type, ydb.TypedValue(value=value, value_type=value_type)

If you specify a value without an explicit type, the conversion takes place according to the following rules:

Python type YDB type
int ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64
float ydb.PrimitiveType.Double
str ydb.PrimitiveType.Utf8
bytes ydb.PrimitiveType.String
bool ydb.PrimitiveType.Bool
list ydb.ListType
dict ydb.DictType


Automatic conversion of lists and dictionaries is possible only if the structures are homogeneous. The type of nested values will be determined recursively according to the rules explained above. In case of using heterogeneous structures, requests will raise TypeError.

A code snippet demonstrating the parameterized query execution:

def select_with_parameters(pool: ydb.QuerySessionPool, series_id, season_id, episode_id):
    result_sets = pool.execute_with_retries(
        DECLARE $seriesId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $seasonId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $episodeId AS Int64;

        FROM episodes
        WHERE series_id = $seriesId AND season_id = $seasonId AND episode_id = $episodeId;
            "$seriesId": series_id,  # data type could be defined implicitly
            "$seasonId": (season_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),  # could be defined via a tuple
            "$episodeId": ydb.TypedValue(episode_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),  # could be defined via a special class

    print("\n> select_with_parameters:")
    first_set = result_sets[0]
    for row in first_set.rows:
        print("episode title:", row.title, ", air date:", row.air_date)

    return first_set
async def select_with_parameters(pool: ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool, series_id, season_id, episode_id):
    result_sets = await pool.execute_with_retries(
        DECLARE $seriesId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $seasonId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $episodeId AS Int64;

        FROM episodes
        WHERE series_id = $seriesId AND season_id = $seasonId AND episode_id = $episodeId;
            "$seriesId": series_id,  # could be defined implicitly
            "$seasonId": (season_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),  # could be defined via a tuple
            "$episodeId": ydb.TypedValue(episode_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),  # could be defined via a special class

    print("\n> select_with_parameters:")
    first_set = result_sets[0]
    for row in first_set.rows:
        print("episode title:", row.title, ", air date:", row.air_date)

    return first_set

The code snippet above outputs the following text to the console:

> select_prepared_transaction:
('episode title:', u'To Build a Better Beta', ', air date:', '2016-06-05')

Managing transactions

Transactions are managed through TCL Begin and Commit calls.

In most cases, instead of explicitly using Begin and Commit calls, it's better to use transaction control parameters in execute calls. This allows to avoid additional requests to YDB server and thus run queries more efficiently.

The session.transaction().execute() method can also be used to execute YQL queries. Unlike pool.execute_with_retries, this method allows explicit control of transaction execution by configuring the desired transaction mode using the TxControl class.

Available transaction modes:

  • ydb.QuerySerializableReadWrite() (default);
  • ydb.QueryOnlineReadOnly(allow_inconsistent_reads=False);
  • ydb.QuerySnapshotReadOnly();
  • ydb.QueryStaleReadOnly().

For more information about transaction modes, see Transaction modes.

The result of executing tx.execute() is an iterator. This iterator allows you to read result rows without loading the entire result set into memory. However, the iterator must be read to the end after each request to correctly maintain the transaction state on the YDB server side. If this is not done, write queries could not be applied on the YDB server side. For convenience, the result of the tx.execute() function can be used as a context manager that automatically iterates to the end upon exit.

with tx.execute(query) as _:
async with await tx.execute(query) as _:

The code snippet below demonstrates the explicit use of transaction().begin() and tx.commit():

def explicit_transaction_control(pool: ydb.QuerySessionPool, series_id, season_id, episode_id):
    def callee(session: ydb.QuerySession):
        query = """
        DECLARE $seriesId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $seasonId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $episodeId AS Int64;

        UPDATE episodes
        SET air_date = CurrentUtcDate()
        WHERE series_id = $seriesId AND season_id = $seasonId AND episode_id = $episodeId;

        # Get newly created transaction id
        tx = session.transaction().begin()

        # Execute data query.
        # Transaction control settings continues active transaction (tx)
        with tx.execute(
                "$seriesId": (series_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),
                "$seasonId": (season_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),
                "$episodeId": (episode_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),
        ) as _:

        print("\n> explicit TCL call")

        # Commit active transaction(tx)

    return pool.retry_operation_sync(callee)
async def explicit_transaction_control(
    pool: ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool, series_id, season_id, episode_id
    async def callee(session: ydb.aio.QuerySession):
        query = """
        DECLARE $seriesId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $seasonId AS Int64;
        DECLARE $episodeId AS Int64;

        UPDATE episodes
        SET air_date = CurrentUtcDate()
        WHERE series_id = $seriesId AND season_id = $seasonId AND episode_id = $episodeId;

        # Get newly created transaction id
        tx = await session.transaction().begin()

        # Execute data query.
        # Transaction control settings continues active transaction (tx)
        async with await tx.execute(
                "$seriesId": (series_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),
                "$seasonId": (season_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),
                "$episodeId": (episode_id, ydb.PrimitiveType.Int64),
        ) as _:

        print("\n> explicit TCL call")

        # Commit active transaction(tx)
        await tx.commit()

    return await pool.retry_operation_async(callee)

However, a transaction can be opened implicitly with the first request and can be committed automatically by setting the commit_tx=True flag in arguments. Implicit transaction management is preferable because it requires fewer server calls.

Iterating over query results

If a SELECT query is expected to return a potentially large number of rows, it is recommended to use the tx.execute method instead of pool.execute_with_retries to avoid excessive memory consumption on the client side. Instead of buffering the entire result set into memory, tx.execute returns an iterator for each top-level SELECT statement in the query.

Example of a SELECT with unlimited data and implicit transaction control:

def huge_select(pool: ydb.QuerySessionPool):
    def callee(session: ydb.QuerySession):
        query = """SELECT * from episodes;"""

        with session.transaction(ydb.QuerySnapshotReadOnly()).execute(
        ) as result_sets:
            print("\n> Huge SELECT call")
            for result_set in result_sets:
                for row in result_set.rows:
                    print("episode title:", row.title, ", air date:", row.air_date)

    return pool.retry_operation_sync(callee)
async def huge_select(pool: ydb.aio.QuerySessionPool):
    async def callee(session: ydb.aio.QuerySession):
        query = """SELECT * from episodes;"""

        async with await session.transaction(ydb.QuerySnapshotReadOnly()).execute(
        ) as result_sets:
            print("\n> Huge SELECT call")
            async for result_set in result_sets:
                for row in result_set.rows:
                    print("episode title:", row.title, ", air date:", row.air_date)

    return await pool.retry_operation_async(callee)