Получение информации об объекте схемы

Получите информацию об объекте схемы:

ydb scheme describe episodes --stats


<table> episodes

| Name       | Type    | Family | Key |
| air_date   | Uint64? |        |     |
| episode_id | Uint64? |        | K2  |
| season_id  | Uint64? |        | K1  |
| series_id  | Uint64? |        | K0  |
| title      | Utf8?   |        |     |

Storage settings: 
Internal channel 0 commit log storage pool: ssd
Internal channel 1 commit log storage pool: ssd
Store large values in "external blobs": false

Column families: 
| Name    | Data | Compression | Keep in memory |
| default | ssd  | None        |                |

Auto partitioning settings: 
Partitioning by size: true
Partitioning by load: false
Preferred partition size (Mb): 2048

Table stats:
Partitions count: 1
Approximate number of rows: 70
Approximate size of table: 11.05 Kb
Last modified: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 11:01:06 UTC
Created: Thu, 17 Jun 2021 11:00:29 UTC