Data types accepting NULL

Any typed data in YQL, including table columns, can be either non-nullable (guaranteed value) or nullable (empty value denoted as NULL). Data types that can include NULL values are called optional or, in SQL terms, nullable.

Optional data types in the text format use the question mark at the end (for example, String?) or the notation Optional<...>.
The following operations are most often performed on optional data types:

  • IS NULL: Matching an empty value
  • COALESCE: Leave the filled values unchanged and replace NULL with the default value that follows
  • UNWRAP: Extract the value of the original type from the optional data type, T?. is converted to T
  • JUST: Add optionality to the current type, T is converted to T?.
  • NOTHING: Create an empty value with the specified type.

Optional (nullable) isn't a property of a data type or column, but a container type where containers can be arbitrarily nested into each other. For example, a column with the type Optional<Optional<Boolean>> can accept 4 values: NULL of the whole container, NULL of the inner container, TRUE, and FALSE. The above-declared type differs from List<List<Boolean>>, because it uses NULL as an empty list, and you can't put more than one non-null element in it. In addition, Optional<Optional<T>> type values are returned as results when searching by the key in the Dict(k,v) dictionary with Optional<T> type values. Using this type of result data, you can distinguish between a NULL value in the dictionary and a situation when the key is missing.


Container types (including Optional<T> containers and more complex types derived from them) can't currently be used as column data types when creating YDB tables.
YQL queries can return values of container types and accept them as input parameters.


$dict = {"a":1, "b":null};
$found = $dict["b"];
select if($found is not null, unwrap($found), -1);


# column0

Logical and arithmetic operations with NULL

The NULL literal has a separate singular Null type and can be implicitly converted to any optional type (for example, the nested type Optional<Optional<...Optional<T>...>>). In ANSI SQL, NULL means "an unknown value", that's why logical and arithmetic operations involving NULL or empty Optional have certain specifics.


    True OR NULL,        -- Just(True) (works the same way as True OR <unknown value of type Bool>)
    False AND NULL,      -- Just(False)
    True AND NULL,       -- NULL   (more precise than Nothing<Bool?> – <unknown value of type Bool>)
    NULL OR NOT NULL,    -- NULL   (all NULLs are "different")
    1 + NULL,            -- NULL   (Nothing<Int32?>) - the result of adding 1 together with
                         --         unknown value of type Int)
    1 == NULL,           -- NULL   (the result of adding 1 together with unknown value of type Int)
    (1, NULL) == (1, 2), -- NULL   (composite elements are compared by component
                         --         through `AND`)
    (2, NULL) == (1, 3), -- Just(False) (expression is equivalent to 2 == 1 AND NULL == 3)

Data types that do not allow NULL values

Primitive types in YQL cannot hold a NULL value: the container described above, Optional, is intended for storing NULL. In SQL terms, primitive types in YQL are non-nullable types.

In YQL, there is no implicit type conversion from Optional to T, so the enforceability of the NOT NULL constraint on a table column is ensured at the query compilation stage in YDB.

You can create a non-nullable column in a YDB table using the CREATE TABLE operation with the keyword NOT NULL:

    Key Uint64 NOT NULL,
    Value String NOT NULL,
    PRIMARY KEY (Key))

After that, write operations to table t will only be executed if the values to be inserted into the key and value columns do not contain NULL values.

Example of the interaction between the NOT NULL constraint and YQL functions

Many of the YQL functions have optional types as return values. Since YQL is a strongly-typed language, a query like

    c Utf8 NOT NULL,

cannot be executed. The reason for this is the type mismatch between the column c, which has the type Utf8, and the result of the CAST function, which has the type Optional<Utf8>. To make the query work correctly in such scenarios, it is necessary to use the COALESCE function, whose argument can specify a fallback value to insert into the table in case the function (in the example, CAST) returns an empty Optional. If, in the case of an empty Optional, the insertion should not be performed and an error should be returned, the UNWRAP function can be used to unpack the contents of the optional type.
