
Generates a pseudorandom number:

  • Random(): A floating point number (Double) from 0 to 1.
  • RandomNumber(): An integer from the complete Uint64 range.
  • RandomUuid(): Uuid version 4.


Random(T1[, T2, ...])->Double
RandomNumber(T1[, T2, ...])->Uint64
RandomUuid(T1[, T2, ...])->Uuid

No arguments are used for random number generation: they are only needed to control the time of the call. A new random number is returned at each call. Therefore:

  • If Random is called again within a same query and with a same set of arguments does not guarantee getting the same sets of random numbers. The values will be equal if the Random calls fall into the same execution phase.

  • Calling of Random with the same set of arguments in different queries returns different sets of random numbers.


If Random is used in named expressions, its one-time calculation is not guaranteed. Depending on the optimizers and runtime environment, it can be counted both once and multiple times. To make sure it's only counted once, materialize a named expression into a table.

Use cases:

  • SELECT RANDOM(1);: Get one random value for the entire query and use it multiple times (to get multiple random values, you can pass various constants of any type).
  • SELECT RANDOM(1) FROM table;: The same random number for each row in the table.
  • SELECT RANDOM(1), RANDOM(2) FROM table;: Two random numbers for each row of the table, all the numbers in each of the columns are the same.
  • SELECT RANDOM(some_column) FROM table;: Different random numbers for each row in the table.
  • SELECT RANDOM(some_column), RANDOM(some_column) FROM table;: Different random numbers for each row of the table, but two identical numbers within the same row.
  • SELECT RANDOM(some_column), RANDOM(some_column + 1) FROM table; or SELECT RANDOM(some_column), RANDOM(other_column) FROM table;: Two columns, with different numbers in both.


    Random(key) -- [0, 1)
FROM my_table;
    RandomNumber(key) -- [0, Max<Uint64>)
FROM my_table;
    RandomUuid(key) -- Uuid version 4
FROM my_table;
    RANDOM(column) AS rand1,
    RANDOM(column) AS rand2, -- same as rand1
    RANDOM(column, 1) AS randAnd1, -- different from rand1/2
    RANDOM(column, 2) AS randAnd2 -- different from randAnd1
FROM my_table;