Configuring ydbops


The ydbops utility is under active development. Although backward-incompatible changes are unlikely, they may still occur.

ydbops can be run by specifying all the necessary command line arguments on the command invocation. However, it has two features that allow to avoid repeating the commonly used arguments:

Config file

The configuration file for ydbops is a YAML-formatted file containing multiple profiles. Profiles for ydbops work in the same way as profiles in YDB CLI do.

Default configuration file location follows the same convention as YDB CLI does, it is located in the same folder in ydbops subdirectory. For comparison:

  • default configuration file for YDB CLI: $HOME/ydb/config/config.yaml
  • default configuration file for ydbops CLI is in same folder, ydbops subdirectory: $HOME/ydb/ydbops/config/config.yaml

Certain command line options can be written in the configuration file instead of being specified directly in the ydbops invocation.


Calling the ydbops restart command without a profile:

ydbops restart \
 -e grpc://<hostname>:2135 \
 --kubeconfig ~/.kube/config \
 --k8s-namespace <k8s-namespace> \
 --user admin \
 --password-file ~/<password-file> \
 --tenant --tenant-list=my-tenant

Calling the same ydbops restart command with profile options enabled makes the command much shorter:

ydbops restart \
 --config-file ./config.yaml \
 --tenant --tenant-list=<tenant-name>

For the invocation above, the following config.yaml is assumed to be present:

current-profile: my-profile
  endpoint: grpc://<hostname>:2135
  user: admin
  password-file: ~/<password-file>
  k8s-namespace: <k8s-namespace>
  kubeconfig: ~/.kube/config

Profile management commands

Currently, ydbops does not support the creation, modification, and activation of profiles via the CLI commands the way that YDB CLI does.

The configuration file needs to be created and edited manually.

Configuration file reference

Here is an example of a configuration file with all possible options that can be specified and example values (most likely, they will not all be needed at the same time):

# a special key `current-profile` can be specified to
# be used as the default active profile in the CLI invocation
current-profile: my-profile

  endpoint: grpc://your.ydb.cluster.fqdn:2135

  # CA file location if using grpcs to the endpoint
  ca-file: /path/to/custom/ca/file

  # a username and password file if static credentials are used:
  user: your-ydb-user-name
  password-file: /path/to/password-file

  # when using access token
  token-file: /path/to/ydb/token

  # if working with YDB clusters in Kubernetes, kubeconfig path can be specified:
  kubeconfig: /path/to/kube/config
  k8s-namespace: <k8s-namespace>

Environment variables

Alternatively, there is an option to specify several environment variables instead of passing command-line arguments or using config files.

For an explanation of which options take precedence, please invoke ydbops --help.

  • YDB_TOKEN can be passed instead of the --token-file flag or token-file profile option.
  • YDB_PASSWORD can be passed instead of the --password-file flag or password-file profile option.
  • YDB_USER can be passed instead of the --user flag or user profile option.