Installing YDB DSTool

To install and configure YDB DSTool:

  1. Install the ydb-dstool Python package:

    pip install ydb-dstool
  2. Configure the environment:

    export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin
  3. Test it by running the command that shows cluster information:

    ydb-dstool -e <bs_endpoint> cluster list
    • bs_endpoint: URI of the interface for YDB cluster distributed storage management. The interface is accessible over HTTP on any cluster node on port 8765 by default. URI example: http://localhost:8765.


    │ Hosts │ Nodes │ Pools │ Groups │ VDisks │ Boxes │ PDisks │
    │ 8     │ 16    │ 1     │ 5      │ 40     │ 1     │ 32     │