Global options

All the YDB DSTool utility subcommands share the same global options.

Option Description
-?, -h, --help Print the built-in help.
-v, --verbose Print detailed output while executing the command.
-q, --quiet Suppress non-critical messages when executing the command.
-n, --dry-run Dry-run the command.
-e, --endpoint Endpoint to connect to the YDB cluster, in the format: [PROTOCOL://]HOST[:PORT].
Default values: PROTOCOL — http, PORT — 8765.
--grpc-port gRPC port used to invoke procedures.
--mon-port Port to view HTTP monitoring data in JSON format.
--mon-protocol If you fail to specify the cluster connection protocol explicitly in the endpoint, the protocol is taken from here.
--token-file Path to the file with Access Token.
--ca-file Path to a root certificate PEM file used for TLS connections.
--http Use HTTP instead of gRPC to connect to the Blob Storage.
--http-timeout Timeout for I/O operations on the socket when running HTTP(S) queries.
--insecure Allow insecure data delivery over HTTPS. Neither the SSL certificate nor host name are checked in this mode.