Getting a list of long-running operations

Use the ydb operation list subcommand to get a list of long-running operations of the specified type.

General format of the command:

ydb [global options...] operation list [options...] <kind>
  • global options: Global parameters.

  • options: Parameters of the subcommand.

  • kind: The type of operation. Possible values:

    • buildindex: The build index operations.
    • export/s3: The export operations.
    • import/s3: The import operations.

View a description of the command to get a list of long-running operations:

ydb operation list --help

Parameters of the subcommand

Name Description
-s, --page-size Number of operations on one page. If the list of operations contains more strings than specified in the --page-size parameter, the result will be split into several pages. To get the next page, specify the --page-token parameter.
-t, --page-token Page token.
--format Input format.
Default value: pretty.
Acceptable values:
  • pretty: A human-readable format.
  • proto-json-base64: Protobuf result in JSON format, binary strings are encoded in Base64.



The examples use the quickstart profile. To learn more, see Creating a profile to connect to a test database.

Get a list of long-running build index operations for the series table:

ydb -p quickstart operation list \


| id                                    | ready | status  | state | progress | table               | index       |
| ydb://buildindex/7?id=281489389055514 | true  | SUCCESS | Done  | 100.00%  | /my-database/series | idx_release |

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