Exporting data to the file system

The tools dump command dumps the database data and objects schema to the client file system, in the format described in the File system:

ydb [connection options] tools dump [options]

where [connection options] are database connection options

[options]: Command parameters:

-p PATH or --path PATH: Path to the database directory with objects or a path to the table to be dumped. The root database directory is used by default. The dump includes all subdirectories whose names don't begin with a dot and the tables in them whose names don't begin with a dot. To dump such tables or the contents of such directories, you can specify their names explicitly in this parameter.

-o PATH or --output PATH: Path to the directory in the client file system to dump the data to. If such a directory doesn't exist, it will be created. The entire path to it must already exist, however. If the specified directory exists, it must be empty. If the parameter is omitted, a directory with the name backup_YYYYDDMMTHHMMSS will be created in the current directory, with YYYYDDMM being the date and HHMMSS: the time when the dump began.

--exclude STRING: Template (PCRE) to exclude paths from export. Specify this parameter multiple times for different templates.

--scheme-only: Dump only the details about the database schema objects, without dumping their data

--consistency-level VAL: The consistency level. Possible options:

  • database: A fully consistent dump, with one snapshot taken before starting dumping. Applied by default.
  • table: Consistency within each dumped table, taking individual independent snapshots for each table dumped. Might run faster and have a smaller effect on the current workload processing in the database.

--avoid-copy: Do not create a snapshot before dumping. The consistency snapshot taken by default might be inapplicable in some cases (for example, for tables with external blobs).

--save-partial-result: Don't delete the result of partial dumping. Without this option, the dumps that terminated with an error are deleted.

--ordered: Rows in the exported tables will be sorted by the primary key.



The examples use the quickstart profile. To learn more, see Creating a profile to connect to a test database.

Exporting a database

With automatic creation of the backup_... directory In the current directory:

ydb --profile quickstart tools dump

To a specific directory:

ydb --profile quickstart tools dump -o ~/backup_quickstart

Dumping the table structure within a specified database directory (including subdirectories)

ydb --profile quickstart tools dump -p dir1 --scheme-only