
At the moment, YDB's compatibility with PostgreSQL is under development, so not all PostgreSQL constructs and functions are supported yet. PostgreSQL compatibility is available for testing in the form of a Docker container, which can be deployed by following these instructions.

The syntax of the UPDATE statement:

UPDATE <table name>
SET <column name> = [<new value>, CASE ... END]
WHERE <search column name> = [<search value>, IN]

The UPDATE ... SET ... WHERE statements works as follows:

  1. Table name is specifiedUPDATE <table name>, where the data will be updated;
  2. Column name is indicatedSET <column name>, where the data will be updated;
  3. New value is set<new value>;
  4. Search criteria are specifiedWHERE with the indication of the search column <search column name> and the value that the search criterion should match <search value>. If CASE is used, then the IN operator is specified with a list of values <column name>.

Updating a single row in a table with conditions

Update without conditions

Update with conditions

UPDATE people
SET name = 'Alexander'
WHERE lastname = 'Doe';
UPDATE people
SET age = 31
WHERE country = 'USA' AND city = 'Los Angeles';

In the example "Update with conditions", the condition combining operator AND is used – the condition will only be satisfied when both parts meet the truth conditions. The operator OR can also be used – the condition will be satisfied if at least one part meets the truth conditions. There can be multiple condition operators:

UPDATE people
SET age = 31
WHERE country = 'USA' AND city = 'Los Angeles' OR city = 'Florida';

Updating a single record in a table using expressions or functions:

Frequently during updates, it is necessary to perform mathematical actions on the data or to modify it using functions.

Update with the use of expressions

Update with the use of functions

UPDATE people
SET age = age + 1
WHERE country = 'Canada';
UPDATE people
SET name = UPPER(name)
WHERE country = 'USA';

Updating multiple fields of a table row

Data can be updated in multiple columns simultaneously. For this, a list of <column name> = <column new value> is made after the keyword SET:

UPDATE people
SET country = 'Russia', city = 'Moscow'
WHERE lastname = 'Smith';

Updating multiple rows in a table using the CASE ... ENDconstruction

For simultaneous updating of different values in different rows, the CASE ... END instruction can be used with nested data selection conditions WHEN <column name> <condition> (=, >, <) THEN <new value>. This is followed by the WHERE <column name> IN (<column value>, ...) construct, which allows setting a list of values for which the condition will be executed.

Example of changing the age (age) of people (people) depending on their names:

UPDATE people
SET age = CASE
            WHEN name = 'John' THEN 32
            WHEN name = 'Jane' THEN 26
WHERE name IN ('John', 'Jane');


Unlike PostgreSQL, YDB uses optimistic locking. This means that transactions check the conditions for the necessary locks at the end of their operation, not at the beginning. If the lock has been violated during the transaction's execution, such a transaction will end with a Transaction locks invalidated error. In this case, you can try to execute a similar transaction again.
