Replacing a node's FQDN

Sometimes, a node's FQDN changes, but the node itself remains in the system under a different name. Simply changing the node name in the hosts section will not work because BS_CONTROLLER internally stores the resource bindings to the FQDN:IcPort pairs, where IcPort is the Interconnect port number on which the node operates.

Replacement procedure

  1. Determine the NodeId of the node to be replaced.
  2. Prepare the DefineBox command that describes the cluster resources, in which an element EnforcedNodeId: <NodeId> will be added for the resources of the node to be replaced.
  3. Execute this command.
  4. Replace the FQDN in the hosts list in cluster.yaml.
  5. Perform a rolling restart.
  6. Remove the EnforcedNodeId field from DefineBox and replace the Fqdn with the new node name.
  7. Execute DefineBox with the new values.


Suppose a cluster consisting of three nodes:


- host:
  node_id: 1
  location: {unit: 12345, data_center: MYDC, rack: r1}
- host:
  node_id: 2
  location: {unit: 23456, data_center: MYDC, rack: r2}
- host:
  node_id: 3
  location: {unit: 34567, data_center: MYDC, rack: r3}

DefineBox looks like this:

DefineBox {
    BoxId: 1
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }

Suppose we want to rename to First, we create a DefineBox as follows:

DefineBox {
    BoxId: 1
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 EnforcedNodeId: 1 }
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }

Then modify config.yaml:

- host:
  node_id: 1
  location: {unit: 12345, data_center: MYDC, rack: r1}
- host:
  node_id: 2
  location: {unit: 23456, data_center: MYDC, rack: r2}
- host:
  node_id: 3
  location: {unit: 34567, data_center: MYDC, rack: r3}

Next, perform a rolling restart of the cluster.

Finally, perform the second adjusted DefineBox:

DefineBox {
    BoxId: 1
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }
    Host { Key { Fqdn: "" IcPort: 19001 } HostConfigId: 1 }