Volatile configurations

Volatile configurations are a special type of configuration that complements dynamic configurations while being non-persistent. These configurations are discarded when the Console tablet is moved or restarted, as well as when the main configuration is updated.

Primary use cases:

  • Temporarily changing configuration for debugging or testing
  • Trial activation of potentially dangerous settings. In the event of a cluster crash or restart, these settings will be automatically disabled

These configurations are added at the end of the selectors set, and the syntax for their description is identical to the selector syntax.

# Retrieve all volatile configurations uploaded to the cluster
ydb admin volatile-config fetch --all --output-directory <dir>
# Retrieve the volatile configuration with id=1
ydb admin volatile-config fetch --id 1
# Apply the volatile configuration volatile.yaml to the cluster
ydb admin volatile-config add -f volatile.yaml
# Delete volatile configurations with id=1 and id=3 on the cluster
ydb admin volatile-config drop --id 1 --id 3
# Delete all volatile configurations on the cluster
ydb admin volatile-config drop --all

Example of working with volatile configuration

Temporarily enabling logging settings for the blobstorage component to DEBUG on the node host1.example.com:

# Request current metadata to form a correct header for the volatile configuration
$ ydb admin config fetch --all
kind: MainConfig
cluster: "example-cluster-name"
version: 2
  # ...
kind: VolatileConfig
cluster: "example-cluster-name"
version: 2
id: 1
  # ...
# Load configuration with version 2, cluster name example-cluster-name, and identifier 2
$ ydb admin volatile-config add -f - <<<EOF
  kind: VolatileConfig
  cluster: "example-cluster-name"
  version: 2
  id: 2
- description: Set blobstorage logging level to DEBUG
    node_host: host1.example.com
    log_config: !inherit
      entry: !inherit_key:component
      - component: BLOBSTORAGE
        level: 8
# ...
# log analysis
# ...
# Delete the configuration
$ ydb admin volatile-config drop --id 2