Hardware issues

Malfunctioning storage drives and network cards, until replaced, significantly impact database performance up to total unavailability of the affected server. CPU issues might lead to server failure and higher load on the remaining YDB nodes.


Use the hardware monitoring tools that your operating system and data center provide to diagnose hardware issues.

You can also use the Healthcheck in Embedded UI to diagnose some hardware issues:

  • Storage issues

    1. On the Storage tab, select the Degraded filter to list storage groups or nodes that contain degraded or failed storage.

    2. Check for any degradation in the storage system performance on the Distributed Storage Overview and PDisk Device single disk dashboards in Grafana.

  • Network issues

    Refer to Network issues.


Contact the responsible party for the affected hardware to resolve the underlying issue. If you are part of a larger organization, this could be an in-house team managing low-level infrastructure. Otherwise, contact the cloud service or hosting provider's support service.