Managing YDB using Terraform

Terraform can create, delete, and modify the following objects inside a YDB cluster:


Currently, the YDB provider for Terraform is under development, and its functionality will be expanded.

To get started, you need to:

  1. Deploy the YDB cluster
  2. Create a database (described in paragraph 1 for the appropriate type of cluster deployment)
  3. Install Terraform
  4. Install and configure Terraform provider for YDB

Configuring the Terraform provider to work with YDB

  1. You need to download provider code

  2. Build the provider by executing $make local-build in the root directory of the provider's code. To do this, you need to additionally install the make utility and go
    The provider will be installed in the Terraform plugins folder - ~/.terraform.d/plugins/

  3. Add the provider to ~/.terraformrc by adding the following content to the provider_installation section (if there was no such section yet, then create):

    provider_installation {
      direct {
        exclude = ["*/*"]
      filesystem_mirror {
        path    = "/PATH_TO_HOME/.terraform.d/plugins"
        include = ["*/*"]
  4. Next, we configure the YDB provider itself to work (for example, in the file in the working directory):

    terraform {
      required_providers {
        ydb = {
          source = ""
      required_version = ">= 0.13"
    provider "ydb" {
      token = "<TOKEN>"
      //OR for static credentials
      user = "<USER>"
      password = "<PASSWORD>"


  • token - specifies the access token to the database if authentication is used, for example, using a third-party IAM provider.
  • user - the username for accessing the database in case of using authentication by username and password
  • password - the password for accessing the database in case of using authentication by username and password

Using the Terraform provider YDB

The following commands are used to apply changes to terraform resources:

  1. terraform init - initialization of the terraform module (performed in the terraform resource directory).
  2. terraform validate - checking the syntax of terraform resource configuration files.
  3. terraform apply - direct application of the terraform resource configuration.

For ease of use, it is recommended to name terraform files as follows:

  1. - contains the settings of the terraform provider itself.
  2. - contains a set of resources to create.

Database connection

For all resources describing data schema objects, you must specify the database details in which they are located. To do this, provide one of the two arguments:

  • The connection string connection_string is an expression of the form grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/?database=/database/path, where grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/ endpoint, and /database/path is the path of the database.
    For example, grpcs://
  • database_endpoint - used when working with the [topics] resource (#topic_resource) (analogous to connection_string when working with table resources).


The user can transfer the connection string to the database using standard Terraform tools - via variables.

If you are using the creation of ydb_table_changefeed or ydb_topic resources and authorization is not enabled on the YDB server, then in the DB config config.yaml you need to specify:

  require_credentials_in_new_protocol: false
  check_acl: false

Example of using all types of YDB Terraform provider resources

This example combines all types of resources that are available in the YDB Terraform provider:

variable "db-connect" {
  type = string
  default = "grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/?database=/database/path" # you need to specify the path to the database

resource "ydb_table" "table" {
  path        = "1/2/3/tftest"
  connection_string = var.db-connect
  column {
    name = "a"
    type = "Utf8"
  column {
    name = "b"
    type = "String"
  column {
    name = "ttlBase"
    type = "Uint32"
  ttl {
    column_name = "ttlBase"
    expire_interval = "P7D"
    unit = "milliseconds"

  primary_key = ["b", "a"]

  partitioning_settings {
    auto_partitioning_min_partitions_count = 5
    auto_partitioning_max_partitions_count = 8
    auto_partitioning_partition_size_mb    = 256
    auto_partitioning_by_load              = true

resource "ydb_table_index" "table_index" {
  table_path        = ydb_table.table.path
  connection_string = ydb_table.table.connection_string
  name              = "my_index"
  type              = "global_sync" # "global_async"
  columns           = ["a", "b"]

  depends_on = [ydb_table.table] # link to the table creation resource

resource "ydb_table_changefeed" "table_changefeed" {
  table_id =
  name     = "changefeed"
  mode     = "NEW_IMAGE"
  format   = "JSON"
  consumer {
    name = "test"
    supported_codecs = ["raw", "gzip"]

  depends_on = [ydb_table.table] # link to the table creation resource

resource "ydb_topic" "test" {
  database_endpoint = ydb_table.table.connection_string
  name              = "1/2/test"
  supported_codecs  = ["zstd"]

  consumer {
    name             = "test-consumer3"
    starting_message_timestamp_ms = 0
    supported_codecs = ["zstd","raw"]

  consumer {
    name             = "test-consumer1"
    starting_message_timestamp_ms = 2000
    supported_codecs = ["zstd"]

  consumer {
    name             = "test-consumer2"
    starting_message_timestamp_ms = 0
    supported_codecs = ["zstd"]

All resources of the YDB Terraform provider will be described in detail below.

String table


Working with column-oriented tables via Terraform is not yet available.

The ydb_table resource is used to work with tables.


  resource "ydb_table" "ydb_table" {
    path = "path/to/table" # path relative to the base root
    connection_string = "grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/?database=/database/path" #DB connection example
    column {
      name = "a"
      type = "Utf8"
      not_null = true
    column {
      name = "b"
      type = "Uint32"
      not_null = true
    column {
      name = "c"
      type = String
      not_null = false
    column {
      name = "f"
      type = "Utf8"
    column {
      name = "e"
      type = "String"
    column {
      name = "d"
      type = "Timestamp"
    primary_key = ["b", "a"]

The following arguments are supported:

  • path - (required) is the path of the table relative to the root of the database (example - /path/to/table).
  • connection_string — (required) connection string.
  • column — (required) column properties (see the column argument).
  • family - (optional) is a column group (see the family argument).
  • primary_key — (required) primary key of the table that contains an ordered list of column names of the primary key.
  • ttl — (optional) TTL (see the ttl argument).
  • partitioning_settings — (optional) partitioning settings (see the argument partitioning_settings).
  • key_bloom_filter — (optional) (bool) use Bloom filter for primary key, the default value is false.
  • read_replicas_settings — (optional) settings for read replicas.


The column argument describes the column properties of the table.


Using Terraform, you cannot only add columns but not delete them. To delete a column, use the YDB tools, then delete the column from the resource description. When trying to apply changes to the table's columns (changing the data type or name), Terraform will not try to delete them but will try to do an update-in-place, though the changes will not be applied.


column {
  name     = "column_name"
  type     = "Utf8"
  family   = "some_family"
  not_null = true
  • name - (required) is the column's name.
  • type — (required) YQL data type columns. Simple column types are allowed. However, container types cannot be used as data types of table columns.
  • family - (optional) is the name of the column group (see the family argument).
  • not_null — (optional) column cannot contain NULL. The default value: false.


The family argument describes column group properties.


family {
  name        = "my_family"
  data        = "ssd"
  compression = "lz4"


The partitioning_settings argument describes partitioning settings.


partitioning_settings {
  auto_partitioning_min_partitions_count = 5
  auto_partitioning_max_partitions_count = 8
  auto_partitioning_partition_size_mb    = 256
  auto_partitioning_by_load              = true

See the links above for more information about the parameters and their default values.


The ttl argument describes the Time To Live settings.


ttl {
  column_name     = "column_name"
  expire_interval = "PT1H" # 1 hour
  unit = "seconds" # for numeric column types (non-ISO8601)
  • column_name - (required) is the column name for TTL.

  • expire_interval — (required) interval in ISO 8601 format (for example, P1D is an interval of 1 day, that is, 24 hours).

  • unit — (optional) is set if the column with ttl has a numeric type. Supported values:

    • seconds
    • milliseconds
    • microseconds
    • nanoseconds

Secondary index of the table

The ydb_table_index resource is used to work with a table index.


resource "ydb_table_index" "ydb_table_index" {
  table_path = "path/to/table" # path relative to the base root
  connection_string = "grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/?database=/database/path" #DB connection example
  name              = "my_index"
  type              = "global_sync" # "global_async"
  columns           = ["a", "b"]
  cover             = ["c"]

The following arguments are supported:

  • table_path - is the path of the table. Specified if table_id is not specified.
  • connection_stringconnection string. Specified if table_id is not specified.
  • table_id - terraform-table identifier. Specify if table_path or connection_string is not specified.
  • name - (required) is the name of the index.
  • type - (required) is the index type global_sync | global_async.
  • columns - (required) is an ordered list of column names participating in the index.
  • cover - (required) is a list of additional columns for the covering index.

Change Data Capture

The ydb_table_changefeed resource is used to work with the change data capture of the table.


resource "ydb_table_changefeed" "ydb_table_changefeed" {
  table_id =
  name     = "changefeed"
  mode     = "NEW_IMAGE"
  format   = "JSON"

The following arguments are supported:

  • table_path - is the path of the table. Specified if table_id is not specified.
  • connection_stringconnection string. Specified if table_id is not specified.
  • table_id — terraform-table identifier. Specify if table_path or connection_string is not specified.
  • name - (required) is the name of the change stream.
  • mode - (required) is the mode of operation of the change data capture.
  • format - (required) is the format of the change data capture.
  • virtual_timestamps — (optional) using virtual timestamps.
  • retention_period — (optional) data storage time in ISO 8601 format.
  • consumer - (optional) is a reader of the change data capture (see the argument #consumer).


The consumer argument describes the reader of the change data capture.

  • name - (required) is the reader's name.
  • supported_codecs — (optional) supported data codec.
  • starting_message_timestamp_ms — (optional) timestamp in UNIX timestamp format in milliseconds, from which the reader will start reading the data.

Usage examples

Creating a table in an existing database

resource "ydb_table" "ydb_table" {
  # Path to the table
  path = "path/to/table" # path relative to the base root

  connection_string = "grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/?database=/database/path" #DB connection example

  column {
    name = "a"
    type = "Uint64"
    not_null = true
  column {
    name     = "b"
    type     = "Uint32"
    not_null = true
  column {
    name = "c"
    type = String
    not_null = false
  column {
    name = "f"
    type = "Utf8"
  column {
    name = "e"
    type = "String"
  column {
    name = "d"
    type = "Timestamp"
  # Primary key
  primary_key = [
    "a", "b"

Creating a table, index, and change stream

resource "ydb_table" "ydb_table" {
  # Path to the table
  path = "path/to/table" # path relative to the base root

  # ConnectionString to the database.
  connection_string = "grpc(s)://HOST:PORT/?database=/database/path" #DB connection example

  column {
    name = "a"
    type = "Uint64"
    not_null = true
  column {
    name     = "b"
    type     = "Uint32"
    not_null = true
  column {
    name = "c"
    type = "Utf8"
  column {
    name = "f"
    type = "Utf8"
  column {
    name = "e"
    type = "String"
  column {
    name = "d"
    type = "Timestamp"

  # Primary key
  primary_key = [
    "a", "b"

  ttl {
    column_name     = "d"
    expire_interval = "PT5S"

  partitioning_settings {
    auto_partitioning_by_load = false
    auto_partitioning_partition_size_mb    = 256
    auto_partitioning_min_partitions_count = 6
    auto_partitioning_max_partitions_count = 8

  read_replicas_settings = "PER_AZ:1"

  key_bloom_filter = true # Default = false

resource "ydb_table_changefeed" "ydb_table_changefeed" {
  table_id =
  name = "changefeed"
  mode = "NEW_IMAGE"
  format = "JSON"

  consumer {
    name = "test_consumer"

  depends_on = [ydb_table.ydb_table] # link to the table creation resource

resource "ydb_table_index" "ydb_table_index" {
  table_id =
  name = "some_index"
  columns = ["c", "d"]
  cover = ["e"]
  type = "global_sync"

  depends_on = [ydb_table.ydb_table] # link to the table creation resource

Topic configuration management YDB via Terraform

The ydb_topic resource is used to work with topics


The topic cannot be created in the root of the database; you need to specify at least one directory in the name of the topic. When trying to create a topic in the root of the database, the provider will return an error.

Description of the ydb_topicresource


resource "ydb_topic" "ydb_topic" {
  database_endpoint = "grpcs://" #database connection example
  name              = "test/test1"
  supported_codecs  = ["zstd"]

  consumer {
    name             = "test-consumer1"
    starting_message_timestamp_ms = 0
    supported_codecs = ["zstd","raw"]

  consumer {
    name             = "test-consumer2"
    starting_message_timestamp_ms = 2000
    supported_codecs = ["zstd"]

  consumer {
    name             = "test-consumer3"
    starting_message_timestamp_ms = 0
    supported_codecs = ["zstd"]

The following arguments are supported:

  • name - (required) is the name of the topic.
  • database_endpoint - (required) is the full path to the database, for example: "grpcs://"; analogous to connection_string for tables.
  • retention_period_ms - the duration of data storage in milliseconds; the default value is 86400000 (day).
  • partitions_count - the number of partitions; the default value is 2.
  • supported_codecs - supported data compression codecs, the default value is "gzip", "raw", "zstd".
  • consumer - readers for the topic.

Description of the data consumer consumer:

  • name - (required) is the reader's name.
  • supported_codecs - supported data compression encodings, by default - "gzip", "raw", "zstd".
  • starting_message_timestamp_ms - timestamp in UNIX timestamp format in milliseconds, from which the reader will start reading the data; the default value is 0, which means "from the beginning".